A Riparian Zone is the vegetated strip of land along a waterway. Explore these magical places through art & stories. RiverSpeak is a collection of essays by naturalists, scientists and river enthusiasts in western NY and PA. You’ll also find helpful tips to protect this important habitat.
If you’re a water-lover and enjoy quiet times near the riverbank you’ll delight in the stories in RiparianZine. Art-lovers will appreciate the creative ways this habitat and its inhabitants are depicted.
The 50-pages, edited by Christina Knisley, are richly illustrated by Wendy Bale. See the creation of “Sandhill” Bill Bale’s river-themed furniture. This single-issue publication is a companion to Riparian Zone | Up & Down the Riverbank, an exhibition at Crary Art Gallery in Warren, PA.
Your purchase of RiparianZine benefits Allegheny River Clean-Up. Their events help keep the Allegheny—designated one of the nation’s Wild & Scenic Rivers—healthy for generations to come. See more at alleghenyrivercleanup.com

April 2018
Current, the book
Sandhill Bill and Wendy Bale displayed their river-themed collection of furniture, cut paper sculpture and charcoal drawings at the Octagon Gallery in Westfield, NY.
This self-published book is a memento of the experience and a way for those unable to see the show to get a look at the work and inspiration.